
Anyone Can Draw!

I'm about to start another challenge month this Sunday. I think I may be kidding myself that I have the time to do this one, but with a fresh urge to draw I'm going with the flow. If you'd like to follow along with me and draw as well I'd love to see your blog if you'll be posting your progress online. Or simply leave me a comment and tell me I'm not alone!

I wanted to briefly talk about what inspired me the first time around and continues to inspire me. Jonathan Hardesty decided to learn to paint in September 2002. He literally started from the absolute beginning with no formal art training and committed to painting or sketching one piece every day.

This is one of his very first pieces from that first month. I like to look back at this because it reminds me that ANYONE can be an artist. All it take is the motivation and practice to improve your skills. Drawing is simply a skill that you need to work at often - like every day - to be good at.

Six months later, in March 2003, the improvements have been vast! You can tell that this is a practice sketch, but the tone work and proportions have improved.

This is a more recent piece from March 2010, only 7.5 years after Jonathan began to learn to paint. If you'd like to see the entire progression through the years please visit his thread on the Concept Art Forums, which is an excellent place to get help with learning to draw.

I don't think I have the inclination to ever be this good, although that would be great! I just don't put in the consistent effort like this as we can see from the fact that I have not done very much drawing since my last personal challenge.

I do have a desire to improve, and I do want to feel comfortable grabbing a pencil and making a quick sketch of something that inspires me in my other hobbies, so I'll take up the one month challenge again. Will you join me?
