
You Deserve to Make Art!

"I bet when you were five your mum gave you construction paper and you made masterpieces and nobody could tell you differently, nobody! You told yourself back then that you deserve to make art." - Suzi Blu
I love you Suzi Blu!!!!! I love her passion with the strength of a thousand suns. She is absolutely inspiring and her energy through her videos is contagious.

Suzi Blu is an American mixed media artist who has a beautiful child-like style. This is one of the first videos that I ever saw and I went and bought a brand new journal the very next day. I played around with that journal sporadically, but didn't really get going and growing in confidence until I started my first 30 day challenge and really allowed myself to do what she advocates - to allow myself to make art. That is what the 30 day challenge is all about!

Did you watch it? I know you'll either love her or hate her, but I'm hoping you'll love her and get the same contagious inspiration I feel when watching her videos. If you can't see the video then try this link: Art Journal Workshops with Suzi Blu - I'm going to go and watch some more Suzi videos and get inspired for Sunday!
