


Monica said...

Nice! Are you really doing them in just 10 minutes? It would take me a lot longer to get that far!

Metanoia said...

Yep! This was in 10 minutes. They're all around 10-15 minutes per sketch. Which is why I'm starting to think I should spend more time per day if I want to improve quicker. Maybe do 2 sketches some times... we'll see how my time goes. During the week it is hard to get enough free time for everything.

Monica said...

Creativity can be a fragile thing, but you seem pretty solid here in your desire to improve. I think you may want to think about what exactly you want to do better. What would improvement mean to you? And then make that your goal until you get it.

A slightly left-brained approach can be helpful sometimes, if you can quantify what success would mean and then work towards a measureable goal. Even with drawing! :)

Metanoia said...

Something clicked a few days ago and the drawing became less of a chore. I don't know what happened, but I think I can keep going for a lot longer this time. I'm just going to run with it and see what happens.

I've seen improvement over the last couple of weeks so I'm already happy with the results of this challenge. Practice and repetition are very huge parts of getting better at something which is why I'm drawing people every day rather than jumping around.

There are goals and there is improvement, though it may be difficult to see as I'm posting daily pics... we'll see. Give me a few more years ;)